Top 5 Best Apps for Medical Students & Medical Professionals
We mostly use our mobile to entertainment and stay connected to people. If we want, we can also use this mobile in our study and increase our skills. It's make our study easier. Today I will tell you about most useful apps that will make your study easier. This apps will help you to enhance your skills and knowledge about medical science. This apps must be available in medical student's mobile. 5. Wikimed : ◆ This app is an encyclopedia of medical articles. ● You can read helpful article related to your medical study. ● You can read any diseases, full defination of medical terms or treatment with image. ◆ Offline (without internet). ◆ Free 4. Medspace : ◆ Mostly this app used by doctors and final year medical students. ● We can access many tools to identify diseases and give drugs. We get clinical answers. ● We can read latest medical news and conference coverage etc. ● it has largest network of medical students and medi...