
Showing posts from December, 2019

Brain Secrets : Part 2

Do you even forget in the examination? Do you not remember all your stuff? Brain Secrets Definitely your answer will be yes because nobody can remember things for  long time. But there are many tricks & methods for remember for long time. I use some of them for memorize my stuffs. In this article I'll share all tricks & methods which is used by me. This tricks will be very usefull for you.  other than this I'll tell you useful tips for good memory. In last article I gave you some interesting facts and secrets of brain. If you didn't read last article please read that article. Our brain is very complicated structure many scientists are doing work on it for know about brain. Many studies are done on the brain. I'll give all information which is based on many studies. 1) Mnemonics Method : I analyze that our brain don't memorize simple things. Brain memorize only kinda weird, humorous, funny, interesting, f...

Oxygen Sensing Machinery : New Discovery of Nobel Laureates

How cells adapt to changes in levels of oxygen ? A) Mechanism : HRE Hypoxia Response Element ● This mechanism is an adaptive process. 1) Oxygen is important for all animals because oxygen converts food to energy. 2) When the body has lack of oxygen due to exercise and high altitude ( low oxygen pressure), the body automatically increases the RBC's count for more oxygen binding. 3) Body can sense oxygen level by the two methods : By the Brain : Brain can sense oxygen level by the carotid body (located in carotid artery)  and gives signal to the muscles for breath at the time of hypoxia. It controls our respiratory rate. But brain can't give signal to the kidney cell to produce erythropoietin/EPO ( hormone for RBC production ). EPO secreted in the response to cellular hypoxia. Now a question will be in your mind that how cell sense about lack of oxygen (hypoxia) ? This question gave us new research which is very useful for human species. By the cell :...