Best Free Online Courses For Medical Students with Certificate

lockdown is going on and everyone is stay at home.They are watching movies and webseries for entertainment. I know entertainment is necessary for us but we should use this important time to learn new skills and knowledge. 
I was trying to learn something new for a few days, then I was looking for some free courses on internet, I found free courses that are being taught by many recognized universities with certificate which is helpful for me, then I thought that I should share these courses with my friends. So in today's article, I'll talk about all the courses and sites that will teach you something new which is helpful for you.

◆ Free Online Courses By Harvard University :

Harvard University is one of the most famous university in the world.  All students have a dream to study in that university.  Millions of people apply for it, but for some reason they are not able to study there.  Due to this, Harvard University has started an initiative, it wants to give knowledge and make the world qualified by its top professors and teachers.  I am going to tell you about some free online courses organized by Harvard University.

1. Principal of Biochemistry :

 This introduction to biochemistry explores the molecules of life, starting at simple building blocks and culminating in complex metabolism.

What you'll learn :

• The structure and function of the chemical building blocks of life.

• How to navigate protein structures using PyMOL. 

• The central role of enzymes in catalyzing the reactions of life.

• The primary metabolic pathways that power cells

• The intricate mechanisms that regulate cellular metabolism

• The integration of biochemical processes in the context of cells, tissues, and whole organisms

2. Lessons from Ebola: Preventing the Next Pandemic :

 Nowadays COVID19 crisis is going on we learn many thing in these days. If we know all about this crisis and this type of crisis then we can fight easliy. So this course will help you to know about Ebolla Crisis then you can prepare for next pandamic.

What you'll learn :

• What happened during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa?

• What were the local challenges faced by patients, clinicians, and national policy makers?

• Why did the international response fail to halt Ebola and prevent its spread?

• How do we prevent the next the pandemic?

  Learn how global warming impacts human health, and the ways we can diminish those impacts.

● What you'll learn :

• Climate change’s impacts on nutrition, migration, and infectious diseases.

• The research methods used in this field.

• Strategies to mitigate and adapt to the health impacts of climate change.

• How changes in Earth’s atmosphere affect health outcomes.

• How to assess the various ways of addressing the health effects of global warming.

 As you know our future is totally based on technology. All our works will done on mobiles and computers so in this course you will learn introductory programming and data analysis in MATLAB, with applications to biology and medicine.

What you'll learn :

• The basics of MATLAB.

• How to troubleshoot your code.

• Basic biological and medical applications.

5. Bioethics: The Law, Medicine, and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics :

 An introduction to the study of bioethics and the application of legal and ethical reasoning.

● What you'll learn :

• How the reproductive technology industry works, and issues raised related to buying and selling human reproductive materials.

• The law and ethics of surrogacy.

• Civil lawsuits when things go wrong with reproductive technology: wrongful birth and wrongful life lawsuits.

• The law and ethics of sperm donation and the legal status of sperm donors, and of mixing human and animal genetic material.

• Ethical and legal issues raised by human enhancement.

• The ownership of human tissue and its underlying genetic information.

6. AnatomyX: Musculoskeletal Cases :

 Learn the anatomy basic to understanding five musculoskeletal injuries commonly seen in primary care medicine and orthopedic clinical specialty practice. Follow hypothetical patients from injury to operating room.

● What you'll learn :

• Fundamentals of musculoskeletal anatomy.

• Basics concepts and procedures of radiology.

• Anatomical structures related to five common injuries.

◆ Free Online Courses by CDC Learning Connection :

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the leading, national public health institute of the United States. It's trustable source for diseases. Its main goal is to protect public health and safety through the control and prevention of disease, injury, and disability in the US and internationally. 

CDC has also organized free courses for all healthworkers and medical students to learn some new skills and knowledge. You can learn from home for free.

1. Storytelling for Public Health :

● Do you have a great idea, data, or experience to share but can’t seem to reach your intended audience? Create a story to match your communication goal, audience, delivery options. In this course you will learn the elements of story and become familiar with two formats that you can use to frame your story. After reviewing real public health examples in a variety for formats, try outlining your own story using a storyboard.

2. The Climate Change and Children’s Health :

• Define climate change.

• Explain the “Greenhouse Effect”.

• Identify common health impacts associated with climate change.

• Explain the potential relationship of birth outcomes and climate change.

• Explain how health care providers can assist patients in addressing health effects due to climate change.

• Identify at least one way you can work as a team with your community to help residents deal with the effects of climate change.

Note : For More Details Please Click on Topic in which you're interested.

These are important free online courses. I hope all courses are helpful for you. There are many other sites on internet there you can find free or paid courses. I'll talk about top best sites which will help for you.

1. edX :

edX is a massive open online course provider. It hosts online university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines to a worldwide student body, including some courses at no charge. It also conducts research into learning based on how people use its platform.

2. Future Learn :

FutureLearn is a digital education platform. It is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) learning platform. Many recognized universities are affiliate with it.

3. Coursera :

Coursera is a world-wide online learning platform founded by Stanford professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller that offers massive open online courses (MOOC), specializations, and degrees.

4. Udemy :

Udemy is an American online learning platform aimed at professional adults and students.There have been over 295 million course enrollments.

If you like this post then please share with medic friend. If you have any suggestions and questions then ask me on Instagram @medicprakhar


Be Happy Be Healthy


  1. Great list of free-online-courses, All the courses are valuable that you shared with us. I am in the medical field, so want to share some information with the new students who want to join the medical field this year, Select your college or university by searching for all the things which are good for your future. Most students prefer the USA or Canada to study for medical, All Saints University is the topmost medical university offering many academic programs in the field of medicine. Every year numerous students from every corner of the world are taking admission to fulfill their dream of becoming doctors.


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