Top 5 Fascinating Facts and Secrets of Heart

Heart supplies nutrients, oxygen, hormones etc to whole body by pumping blood. Every buddy know about this so I'll not talking about its function.

I'll telling about most fascinating facts and secrets of heart who doesn't know anyone.
Every organ has importance but heart is one of the most important organ in our body.

At the end of the article you'll know about your heart and you'll keep it safe.

Let's start...

5. Heart is Not Responsible for Love :

Heart Love
Love Secrets

Is there a connection between heart and love?

Of course ! Yes 

But heart is not responsible for love. Heart only represents the action of brain.
Actually brain is responsible for love.
Love is carried out by the limbic system which is located in temporal lobe of brain.
Brain releases some hormones like dopamine (happiness hormone), oxytocin (love or binding hormone), adrenaline and norepinephrine. It creates euphoria (excitement & good feelings). These hormones increase blood flow. That's why heart beat fastly. And we get the heart wrong. We understand that heart is responsible for love. 

Next time don't blame on heart. It's innocent.
And the heart can never break because it is not a bone.

4. World's Biggest Killer is Heart :

It's true that heart gives us life but it can also take our life if we don't care it.
According to WHO most of the death cause by heart diseases. Approx 15.2 million deaths worldwide cause by heart disease in 2016. Ishaemic heart disease and stroke is world's biggest killers. These diseases have remainded the leading causes of death globally in the last 15 years.

Why is this happening?

Because of unhealthy lifestyle (stress, depression) and unhealthy food. Heart helping us but we don't help it. It's complain of heart to us.

3. Our Heart works on Electricity :


Did you pay electricity bill of your heart?

It's funny but in reality heart works on electricity. 

Heart has electricity generator it's called pacemaker. SA node is anatomical pacemaker in heart. It generates signals. This signals create electrical current that can be seen on a graph called ECG (Electrocardiogram).

2. The Heart Can Keep Beating After Death :

We know that heart stops working after death. It is clinical death (Clinical death is the medical term is the cessation of blood circulation and breathing. It occurs when the heart stop beating in a regular rhythm, a condition called cardiac arrest.)

Have you heard about CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)?

But The French Nobel winner Alexis Carrel showed that heart will pulsate for months and remain alive for more than 20 years. You can check here.

1. Teeth Healthy then Your Heart Healthy:

I've already told you in my healthy morning routines article.
According to a study tooth brushing habits decrease risk of dying from a heart attack or heart failure.

◆Conclusion & Analysis:

Healthy Heart
Healthy Heart
So these are the top 5 facts and secrets.
Do you know?
Heart works continusly lifetime for us. It doesn't get tired. But we ignore it. We didn't care it. It's our responsibility to keep it safe.

◆ Keep these things in your mind to keep the heart healthy:

● Do exercise and yoga
● Meditation for reduce stress
● Eat healthy, pure & fresh
● Laughing is good for your heart. It reduces stress and gives a boost to your immune system.
● morning and evening sunlight is beneficial for heart. According to a study vitamin D is good for heart.

Thanks for read this article till end.

Please share it to your family members and friends. it's very important to spread awareness regarding heart health.

If you have any suggestion and question. Tell me in comment section or contact form.

Be happy be healthy


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